Friday, September 21, 2012


Our little guy has been working on colors. He can now identify a color and tell us what it is. The colors he knows are red, yellow, green, black, brown, white, purple, blue and orange. He is so smart and I love seeing him learn and grow.

Friday, September 14, 2012


I never realized how stressful picking out a Halloween costume could be. We still have some time to decide. I know there will come a time where he will tell me what he wants to be. Until then I hope to make the right choice and not make him cringe looking back at pictures when he is older. Believe me I know how that feels.

Friday, September 7, 2012


Today we had another round of shots. Taking our little guy in and holding him down while he gets them has got to be the worst feeling for both of us. I win the worst mom award for betraying him. Looks like we will finish them up on his 3rd bday checkup. The next thing on our checklist...the dentist. Yep, I plan on keeping this award for a while.