Sunday, January 29, 2012


Yesterday was a pretty good day. Some of Caleb's family friends had a shower for our little guy. It was so great to see all of the people who love and support our little family. Everyone seems to love our little guy. He didn't get a good nap so he wasn't on his best behavior but we made it through. We were given a lot of bigger sized clothes. We can always use more cloths. We were also given a lot of toys and books. I am not sure saying thank you is even enough for how grateful I am to have these people in our lives. We might not spend a lot of time together but they have always welcomed me as own of their own.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Three months home

I know that it has only been three months but it seems like our little guy has been with us forever. Everyday we fall more and more in love with him. Having him in our home has changed so much. I believe that he has forever changed Caleb and I for the better.

Loves: This is pretty much the same as the last couple of months. We have found that he will eat some meat if it is drenched in any kind of sauce. I guess he just has to mask the favor and he is fine.
Dislikes: Raw of cooked broccoli

Loves: Sock monkey, puzzles, his bike, books, balls and cars

New words he says-

Cheeks, Nander (his name), Toes, Laura, Car, Bie (bike), bumpkey (monkey), Blue, Poo poo, Two, Bum, Shoe, Toast, Door, Help me
New words he understands-
Cook, I am sure there are more but I have completely blanked out. 

He is a big time flirt with Braydee. (My youngest brother's girlfriend.) He has been so much more cuddly than normal. While holding him he tends to just look at our faces. He doesn't say anything but it is as if he is taking us in. He loves to give us kisses and hugs. We also found out that he is scared to death of the car wash. 

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Fake laugh and fake cry

Over the last week or so our little guy has figured out how to fake laugh and cry. I will take the fake laugh over the crying any day. It hurts this moms heart when he cries even if it is fake. When he gets started with either of these he can entertain himself for a while. The fake crying tends to lead into him being held by mom or dad. That's the only reason I think he favors this over laughing. He is one smart kid to know what he wants and how to get it.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Words of wisdom

Over the last week our little guy has started talking so much. You would think he is giving us words of wisdom. He might be but we cannot understand a word of his gibberish. Some of these conversations turn into a worried, scowl faced little guy chatting away. I tend to talk to him as if I understand what he is saying, which leads to him going on and on and on. It is nice to finally hear a little one making noise in our house.