Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Ready for REAL

Today we went to the REAL pro shop and picked up our little guy some gear for the games. We are now season ticket holders and so it is a must to look the part. Here are a couple of pics after we got home and tried everything on. Bring on the games.

 He isn't to fond of the hat.
He looks way too old in this pic for my liking.

HaPpY BiRtHdAy 2 You

On the 13th our little guy turned 2. We were able to celebrate with both sides of our families. Even though he turned 2 this was his first celebrated birthday. I am still so thankful that he is home and we could celebrate with him. He deserves a party just for him. Our little guy is so loved by everyone. It is amazing to me how he just fits in. Here are a few pictures to capture the big day. He now says two and holds up 5 fingers. There is no way people would think he is 5 so I think we have some time to work on getting his little fingers into a peace sign.

Happy Birthday Little Guy.

Sunday, February 12, 2012


Ever since last night I have felt a little bothered. Last night we had two people show up at our door. I have never met either of these women. We were making small talk when one of them asked,"Is he yours or is he adopted?" I responded with "He is mine and yes he is adopted". For whatever the reason I cannot get her comment out of my head. My thoughts have been all over the place...so if he is adopted he isn't mine? I understand that some people don't feel that this question would be an issue. I guess I just never realized common sense is so scarce in the world today. There has always been an underlying issue in the world when it comes to asking appropriate questions to women in regards to having children. Every one has a different story. For some people having children comes with ease and for others it is heartbreak. I feel like I have always been pretty open with people when it comes to what Caleb and I went through to have the family we have today. I just don't think some stranger gets to ask me if he is mine or is he adopted. I am his mom no matter how you look at it.

Saturday, February 11, 2012


I have been letting our little guy's hair grow out since he has been home. It has gotten pretty long in the time he has been home. The only issue is Caleb isn't a fan of his long hair. I want to keep growing it out and Caleb wants to shave it off. Somehow I need to come up with a stronger defense to support my reasoning. Right now I have nothing to back up why I want it long. Here is hoping just the word NO keeps working.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Guess what we did today???

If people don't know I love to go swimming. I always have loved being in the pool. I have been dying to buy our little guy a swimsuit. Well the wait is over. He was given a couple of suits at the last shower we had. This mom couldn't resist it any more. We ran a ton of errands today. We came home let the little one take his nap then we hit the new rec center. We were there for about an hour and a half. I had so much fun watching he play in the water for the first time. His personality, smiles, laughs and jabbering made it so much fun. I had to get a picture of him in his swimsuit. Ohhhh I love this boy soooo much.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Blowing kisses

Our little guy is blowing kisses. Oh it melts my heart. 
To hear his lips smack together as his hand pushes away 
from his mouth is one of the sweetest sounds.