Sunday, August 26, 2012

10 months home

I can't believe that 10 months has already come and gone. Here are some of the ways he has changed and grown.

He loves planes (pain), trains (cho cho cho is the highest girl voice you have ever heard), trucks (true), elephants (ema), picture books, noodles (new).

He like the movie the Lorax. I think it is because of the music. There are some parts that he starts to sing along with. He also loves to have dance parties. He is always asking for the music to be turned on to dance. I am sure there is so much more I can add to this but I will add it to the year home post.

So smart

Our little guy amazes us every day. While playing with his blocks he pulled out a red one and yelled "red". I just looked at him and made him repeat it. We work on colors but you never know it is sinking in until he can do it on his own.

Love this little guy

His little smirk melts this mom's heart.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Pretty sure

I am pretty sure I can't give this kid of ours enough kisses. He loves giving kisses on the cheek right now. Which isn't a bad deal at all.

Saturday, August 11, 2012