Friday, May 24, 2013

Moving the blog

We have been having some issues with this blog and so we are moving.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Swim lesson #4

Our little guy is loving his swim lessons. 

Monday, May 13, 2013

Day 1 of swim lessons

Tonight was the first night of swim lessons for our little guy. Pretty sure he had a good time. 

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day

It was July 7th 2010 that we received an email that would change our lives forever.  We were able to see our little guys face for the first time. We read all of the documents over and over and pulled up a map to try and look for the area our guy was born. I still remember the email and the overwhelming feeling that came over me when I called Caleb to tell him we got "the" email. We both rushed home so we could read it first hand together. The emotion that I felt as I looked at my 5 month old baby boy for the first time is indescribable. He was happy, chubby, he had beautiful dark brown eyes, he was handsome. Without him even knowing it he stole my heart at that very moment. That is the same moment that I became a MOM. A mom to a son half way around the world. It still amazes we are today... he is now curled up on the couch with me. MY OUR home. I would go through everything we did again and again...knowing that the outcome would/could be this great. 

Mother's Day was always about us thanking our moms for being so amazing and I don't want them to forget how much we love and care about each of them. There is another mom out there that I think about all the time. She holds a special place in my heart. I will never get the chance to meet her but I am forever grateful for her. Because of her choice to give up her baby boy she gave me a son.  I only hope that deep down she knows how much we adore our little guy. 

Thursday, April 18, 2013


I was sent this poem today and it made me tear up. I hope our little guy always knows how much we love him and that we did everything we could to make him part of our family.

"Yes, I'm adopted.
My folks were not blessed
With me in the usual way.
But they picked me,
They chose me
From all the rest,
Which is lots more than most kids can say.”
― Shel Silverstein, Every Thing on It

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Cuddle time

I don't think anything is better than a little cuddle time with my little guy. I will stop whatever I am doing if he is willing to do this.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Pottery Barn Kids

This last week has flown by. My mother n law had submitted our little guys pictures to a Pottery Barn casting call. I sent her a couple from random pictures I had on my phone of our little guy. We found out the end of the last week that they wanted to book him for a photo shoot. We were asked to be in Jackson Hole by Wednesday for the shoot. We left the house Tuesday morning and headed to Wyoming. We stayed the night and got up the next morning for his 10:00 am call time. We were there for about 3 and a half hours. We were not allowed to take any photos while there. Our little guy did amazing. He should be in the holiday 2013 catalog that comes out later this year. Keep yours eyes open for our little guy.

Saturday, March 16, 2013


Today our little guy was in the best mood. I even had him running errands with me and he was happy the whole time. We may have been bothering other people in the store but we didn't care. It was all fun and giggles.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Proof a little boy lives here

It doesn't matter how many times a day we go around and pick up after our little guy we turn a corner or walk into a different room and come across something like this.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

New shirt

I bought our little guy this shirt while gone on my trip. I had to get something for him and he loves Spider-Man right now.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Ohhhh I missed him

I just got back in town from a week long work trip. So excited to see this guy and by the look on his face I think he was happy to see me too.

Friday, March 1, 2013


Who wouldn't want to cuddle with this little guy?

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Something to THINK about

I asked him to smile and he didn't want to. This is what he wanted us to do....and so we pondered.


Sunday, February 24, 2013

Another trim

This morning I gave our guy's hair another trim. I think I took about an inch off. Since I am not a professional I am pretty happy with my work. I am so glad that our little guy will sit there and let me do it. Well, with the help of a sucker and a movie.

Friday, February 22, 2013

It must be intense

Based on the look on his face he must be watching something pretty intense or he is really deep in thought....He loves little super heroes cartoons. I love having a little boy.

Monday, February 18, 2013

What's our guy into right now?

Here are a few pictures that describe what our guy is into right now. It feels more and more lately like we have a teenage boy on the loose in our house. It's helmets, hats, footballs and music.

Monday, February 11, 2013


If you come around our house here is what you are bound to see. I think he is the cutest thing around.

(Pretty sure we are going to be in trouble...Can he be anymore handsome?)

HaPpY 3rd BiRtHdAy

Our little guys birthday is in a couple of days. We went ahead and had his party last Saturday. It is amazing to me how many people love our little guy. It really makes this mom's heart happy to have people come and want to celebrate our little guy. He has changed our lives in so many ways. It feels like he has been home for years. He has come a long way since coming home. He is growing into the cutest little boy with the biggest personality. The things he learns and teaches us is amazing. Here are a couple of pictures from Saturday's party. We went with a toy story theme since this is what he is so fond of right now. It was funny trying to buy him gifts this year. We are tired of all the clutter from all of his toys so we told our parents to go with clothes. We have been trying to figure out what to get him. He is into wearing baseball hats backwards so we had to get him a new one. he also loves to watch movies on our IPAD. Since he has been using his dad's head phones we decided to get him his own. I felt like we were buying gifts for a teenager. I can't wait until he can actually tell us what he wants. Until then he is going to have to be cool and hip with electronics for now.

 (Who knew he could be so excited over clothes?)

(I had to throw one of them up here with his tongue.)

Monday, January 14, 2013


It seems like there are a few things floating around lately and we have been lucky enough to catch the sinus, cough and sore throat thing. I would rather have this over the flu bug going around. Our little guys raspy voice reminds me of the first time we were in Ethiopia to see him. He was sick then and his sick raspy laugh is the same as it was then. It made me tear up last night when I put him to bed and heard it. Ohhhhh I love this little sick guy.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

What a way to start 2013

I had no idea that 2013 was going to start off on a great note. We have talked about working on potty training again. Well this morning I put our little guy in his big boy underwear and he just went potty on the toilet. This is one happy mom.

Who needs an elf???

At this point we may never need an elf on a shelf. Why? Our little guy is not a fan of our Kyle Beckerman bobble head. Anytime he starts a tantrum we just mention Kyle and he immediately stops. The good thing is Kyle gets to stay out all year long. Guess we will have to see how long this lasts.