Friday, December 21, 2012

Quick update

Our little guy is doing great at daycare. He loves playing with all of his friends. The lady running the daycare has been able to get him to try new foods. He has been trying more meat. It is funny to hear her tell us about so,e of the foods he doesn't like because of the texture. I warned him when we signed him up a lot of his food dislikes come from the texture of the food. I love broccoli and the other night I was eating it and offering him a bite every so often. He would let me put it up to his lips but he wouldn't eat it. Just as I am about to finish it off he asked for a bite. He loved it. So last night I made us both some and he kept asking for more. He is on an applesauce and broccoli kick. (He calls it ba-he) Last night he wanted the rest of Caleb's tuna fish sandwich. (This makes me gag to watch him eat things that gross me out.)

Some of his new words are:
Happy (which is my new favorite thing that he says.)
Buddy (daycare lady's dog)
Anew - all done or all gone
True - truck
Duh - Santa, green, Cortney

It makes me wonder what he is thinking sometimes. He now does this new thing with people's names. Here is what he does:
Bapa....huh? (Bapa is grandma and grandpa)
Bu......huh? (This is my brother Bud)
Wahwa......huh? (This is my sister n law Laura)
Baybe.......huh? (This is my sister n law Braydee)
Duh.......huh? (This is my little brother Cortney)

We have no idea what started this but he is always running through each persons name and then answers with huh? I try and do it back to him and he just laughs.

Since Halloween he has a new found dislike for anything that has a mask. He freaks out and cries. We had to pop a Spider-Man ball and throw it away because he was scared of it. His cousin put on a mask the other day while playing with toys and I thought our little guy was going to climb the walls. So now when you ask him what he says to a mask he (in his deepest voice) says "BUUUUHHHHH" I LOVE our little guy so much. He continues to grow more and more everyday.

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