So we went to the doctor today. He had 4 shots and is now running a fever. The doctor had warned us that he would run a fever after getting them. We are making sure he has meds in him to help. As far as the rest of his check up. Weighing in at 29.5 lbs puts him in the 70th percent area on weight. When I call him our little guy I am not referring to his height but after today he measured in at almost 32 inches he is only in the 5th percent. We also learned that he is really smart since his head circumference is in the 95th percent area. His short body has a big task of keeping his head up. Overall his apt went great. We set up a schedule for all of his remaining shots. Looks like we will be going back in May, July and next Jan. by that point he will be caught up to where he should be. After his apt we went to the Honda dealership to look at a new motorcycle Caleb wants. Our little guy loved all the bikes. We put him on one and he was not happy when we asked him to get off. See for yourself.

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