Friday, December 28, 2012

Hair cut

A few weeks ago I sat our little guy in front of a movie with a sucker and decided to cut about two inches off his hair. I watched a few YouTube videos on the best way to do it. His hair was about 4 inches long before I started. It took me just over an hour to do it but it turned out and that is all that matters.

Thursday, December 27, 2012


We had a great Christmas this year with our little guy.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Happy Holidays

We are only a few days out from Christmas and I am so excited.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Quick update

Our little guy is doing great at daycare. He loves playing with all of his friends. The lady running the daycare has been able to get him to try new foods. He has been trying more meat. It is funny to hear her tell us about so,e of the foods he doesn't like because of the texture. I warned him when we signed him up a lot of his food dislikes come from the texture of the food. I love broccoli and the other night I was eating it and offering him a bite every so often. He would let me put it up to his lips but he wouldn't eat it. Just as I am about to finish it off he asked for a bite. He loved it. So last night I made us both some and he kept asking for more. He is on an applesauce and broccoli kick. (He calls it ba-he) Last night he wanted the rest of Caleb's tuna fish sandwich. (This makes me gag to watch him eat things that gross me out.)

Some of his new words are:
Happy (which is my new favorite thing that he says.)
Buddy (daycare lady's dog)
Anew - all done or all gone
True - truck
Duh - Santa, green, Cortney

It makes me wonder what he is thinking sometimes. He now does this new thing with people's names. Here is what he does:
Bapa....huh? (Bapa is grandma and grandpa)
Bu......huh? (This is my brother Bud)
Wahwa......huh? (This is my sister n law Laura)
Baybe.......huh? (This is my sister n law Braydee)
Duh.......huh? (This is my little brother Cortney)

We have no idea what started this but he is always running through each persons name and then answers with huh? I try and do it back to him and he just laughs.

Since Halloween he has a new found dislike for anything that has a mask. He freaks out and cries. We had to pop a Spider-Man ball and throw it away because he was scared of it. His cousin put on a mask the other day while playing with toys and I thought our little guy was going to climb the walls. So now when you ask him what he says to a mask he (in his deepest voice) says "BUUUUHHHHH" I LOVE our little guy so much. He continues to grow more and more everyday.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Ohhh scones

Tonight we went with my side of the family to go get scones. This is a family tradition and I love it. The place is pretty small but when you are with family you don't even notice how cozy it is.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

What a workout

Today we went to a friends 3rd birthday party. There were huge inflatable slides, houses, and climbing adventures. I got a workout hauling our little guy to the top of a few of these things in order for him to go down a slide. I don't think I could have done it enough. He was holding on for dear life. This was another first for us and we had a pretty good time.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Ferris wheel

Yesterday we took our little guy to Scheels to go on the Ferris wheel. Here are a couple of my favorite pictures of him.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Out with the old....hello big boy

This weekend I decided to put our little guys high chair away for good. I went ahead and covered one of our chairs in plastic so it's easy clean up when he spills. He had his first official breakfast and lunch at the table today. He did great. I hate to admit that he is growing up but in my eyes this is a pretty big step and I am not sure if I am ok with it deep down in my heart.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Potty Training Postponed

We decided to postpone potty training until the start of the year. Maybe if we give him a couple more months he will want to do it. He was doing ok but could never tell us when he had to go. We will work on getting through the holiday season and then get back on this.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

One year anniversary

It has been one year today that we officially became a family of three. It is amazing how fast this year has passed. I am amazed at how happy our little guy makes our lives. We have come a long way over this past year. I am excited to see our little guy grow into a little boy. He is so smart, he has a great personality and a smile and laugh that will win over anyone. It makes me smile to see how much he has changed over the last year. Looking back at a picture from the airport last year when we got home to a recent picture makes me think this is real and he is ours forever and I wouldn't want it any other way.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Toddler bed

Today we decided to take our little guys bed from a crib to a toddler bed. We made the change just before his nap. I think it threw him off a little when he laid down for his nap. Guess we will see how he likes it tonight and tomorrow morning.

Friday, October 19, 2012

One year home study

Today we had our one year home study. I can't believe that we have already been home almost a year with our little guy. He is 36 inches tall, his head is 20 inches and he weighs 33 lbs. Overall our home study went really well.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Monday, October 1, 2012

Potty training

We have been trying to get our little guy potty trained. We asked our nanny to start working with him. They tried it today with him just wearing his little boxer briefs. He ran in to sit on the potty and peed but sat with his underwear still pulled up. As he cried our nanny kept telling him what a good job he did. It made me giggle while sitting at my desk. I am so thankful to have a nanny help us with this process. I am so excited at the idea of no more diapers. Come on little guy.

Friday, September 21, 2012


Our little guy has been working on colors. He can now identify a color and tell us what it is. The colors he knows are red, yellow, green, black, brown, white, purple, blue and orange. He is so smart and I love seeing him learn and grow.

Friday, September 14, 2012


I never realized how stressful picking out a Halloween costume could be. We still have some time to decide. I know there will come a time where he will tell me what he wants to be. Until then I hope to make the right choice and not make him cringe looking back at pictures when he is older. Believe me I know how that feels.

Friday, September 7, 2012


Today we had another round of shots. Taking our little guy in and holding him down while he gets them has got to be the worst feeling for both of us. I win the worst mom award for betraying him. Looks like we will finish them up on his 3rd bday checkup. The next thing on our checklist...the dentist. Yep, I plan on keeping this award for a while.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

10 months home

I can't believe that 10 months has already come and gone. Here are some of the ways he has changed and grown.

He loves planes (pain), trains (cho cho cho is the highest girl voice you have ever heard), trucks (true), elephants (ema), picture books, noodles (new).

He like the movie the Lorax. I think it is because of the music. There are some parts that he starts to sing along with. He also loves to have dance parties. He is always asking for the music to be turned on to dance. I am sure there is so much more I can add to this but I will add it to the year home post.

So smart

Our little guy amazes us every day. While playing with his blocks he pulled out a red one and yelled "red". I just looked at him and made him repeat it. We work on colors but you never know it is sinking in until he can do it on his own.

Love this little guy

His little smirk melts this mom's heart.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Pretty sure

I am pretty sure I can't give this kid of ours enough kisses. He loves giving kisses on the cheek right now. Which isn't a bad deal at all.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Thursday, July 5, 2012

4th of July

Yesterday we and a pretty relaxed day. We stayed home and played in the sprinkler. Last night we went to the REAL game. We took our little guy since we wanted to be with him for his first firework show. Getting him to sit and watch the game was a little rough but towards the end he was all kinds of happy as we cheered the team on. I think he was a little scared with the loud boom of the fireworks at first. He sat through them hugging me with a huge smile. Another thing I love....him hugging me and not letting go. It was a great day.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Family Pictures

I have been wanting to get family pictures done ever since we brought our little guy home. For Mothers day I was given family pictures. The three of us headed out on Saturday morning to go get them done. Here are a few. We are also trying to get a slide show at the bottom with all of the pictures we had done. All I can say is our little guy is one handsome little man. It makes me a little nervous for when he starts dating, but I have years before I really have to think about that.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Monday, May 28, 2012

Time at the park

Today I took our little guy to the park. There were a lot of families there. We got on the slides, swings and kicked the soccer ball around. We had to get out of the house while Caleb was out for a ride.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Car wash

So I try and avoid going through a car wash with our little guy as much as I can. He freaks him out and he tends to cry. Well I made an attempt with him in the car and rather than cry this is what he did. He is so cute.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Love this boy

I have no words for how much I love this little boy.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Cuddle time

This is my favorite thing to do with our little guy.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Mothers Day

So I didn't get to write a post on mothers day but I still wanted to get on and post something. I have wanted to get family pictures taken since we have been home but didn't want to do them in the winter. So for mothers day I was given a date that we are going to have family pictures on. My two guys are the best people a girl could ask for. We were able to spend time with both of our moms.

It also had me thinking about our little guys birth mom. I know that I will never get the chance to thank her in person for the choice she made and how thankful I am for the gift she gave us. I also know that a single thank you or a million of them would never be enough. I know that she will never see this blog but I hope in her heart she knows that our little guy is being taken care of. He is loved. He is happy. He is amazing. I don't have the words to be able to explain exactly how I feel about this woman that I have never met but I have a deep love for her that I think only one mom to another can share.

Monday, May 14, 2012


This past weekend we went camping. I love spending time with the two most important men in my life. It was nice weather so we were able to get outside and go for a walk, ride bikes, kick a soccer ball around and play on the playground.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Studying our faces

Every now and again our little guy will stop whatever he is doing to study our faces. He raises his hands and places them on both of our cheeks. He sits there looking deep into our eyes. I know that people say the eyes are the window to your soul and I think he has figured that out. It only lasts for a few seconds but it feels like forever. If he isn't searching your soul he just sits and studies every detail on our faces. To be honest I love it. I feel like he is really trying to connect with us on a whole other level.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


So we have been spending a lot of time working on our colors. Everyday I try and make a point to show him colors and say them. Tonight after eating I asked him to help me get a Tupperware lid out of the drawer. I told him to get the green lid as I pointed to it. He pulled it out and said green. He pulled out another lid. I told him it was pink. He repeated that it was pink. He pulled out another lid and yelled out blue before I could even say anything. As he stood there with both lids in hand I asked him to give Caleb the pink one. He then handed him the pink one and said pink. Our little guy is getting soooo smart. I love to see how much he learns every day.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Brushing teeth

Our little guy loves to brush his teeth. Well more like eat the toothpaste and fake brush. We always try and brush them first then give him the toothbrush to mess around with. I need to set up his first dentist appointment. Being that he cries when we brush I am not sure how the dentist visit is going to go over. Guess we will see.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

A few of his favorite toys

So our little guy has a car and a worm that he loves. He loves the car because the tires wind up. He loves watching the tires go around and around. The worm makes all kinds of noises. Is talks, plays music and so on. Today I asked our little go to go throw them in the garbage. (These have become my least favorite toys.) Without hesitation he ran to the garbage and threw the car in there. He closed the door and stood there for a second. He then opened it back up, reached on and pulled out the car. He then ran over to me and told me no. I had to laugh. He listened to me tell him to throw it away until he realized what he was doing. He cracks me up.

Friday, May 4, 2012


Today our little guy had another round of shots. Overall he did pretty good. 4 shots is a lot for anyone to take. He was limping before his nap. We will see how he does tonight.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Excited for grandparents

Any time you mention to our little guy that a grandparent is coming over this is how he stays until they get to our house. He loves them so much.

Monday, April 23, 2012


Our little guy has been so happy lately. I love listening to him laugh so hard at his cousins. If we get to go for a walk around the block he is on cloud nine. He sits in the stroller with a huge grin on his face. He watches everything going on around him. If he sees a kid on a bike he yells bike. As a car passes he yells car. We get one word bursts of excitement the whole walk. Ohhhhh I love him.

Friday, April 20, 2012


Here is a little bit of what our little guy and I did today.

Monday, April 16, 2012

First camping trip

This past weekend we went on our first camping trip. We were not sure how our little guy was going to do but he did great. He was a little nervous not sleeping in his own bed but we were there to comfort him through the new scary trailer. It snowed on us so we didn't get a lot of outside playing time. So when it wasn't snowing we got out and stretched our legs. I can't wait to go again.


We had our first Easter as a family of three. We were not sure if our little guy would understand finding the eggs. He first noticed his basket and went over to it. He then noticed an egg and picked it up and then a second egg. Before he would give them to Caleb he smashed them together. He would only pick them up in two, smash them then hand them over until he found them all. I am glad we were asked to bring a potato salad for dinner otherwise we would have had no use for all of the broken eggs. We spent most of the day at home. Headed to my parents for dinner and then Caleb's mom came over and brought us some cookies. Overall it was a pretty good day. 

Our little guy waiting to come downstairs

 His Easter goodies

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Hair cut

Yesterday we went to the barber shop. We sat and waited for our turn. We climbed up into the chair and that is when our little guy lost it. He was crying so hard he was to the point of throwing up. I asked my brother to come along and from the chair our little guynwas yelling for his uncle to come rescue him from his mom. Long story short we didn't even get a trim. He was way too emotional. At one point I told the guy to just shave it off. Not sure what I was thinking when I said that. We got back intO the car and he was asleep in seconds. Poor little guy. The guy at the hair place said to bring him back when he can hold still. this point his hair is going to be longer than mine.

Friday, March 30, 2012


So my work has a policy that kids are not allowed inside. Today I had to run into work because I forgot a couple things there yesterday. I tried to sneak our little guy in and was successful until people came by my desk. Some work people finally got to meet him. He also met my work Gpa. They hit it off. Every one commented on how handsome he is. Not that we had anything to do with it but it still makes my heart happy.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


So at some point over the weekend our little guy and I were cuddling and I was checking out his curls. They are itty, bitty, tiny curls. When you pull them out they are probably about 1 1/4 inches long. When they are all coiled up they are probably about a 1/2 inch long. I absolutely love his hair. He isn't a fan of having it combed, washed or played with. These pictures are not the best since I snapped them while we were cuddling.

Sunday, March 25, 2012


This weekend was great weather. So we spent some time out playing at the park, riding bikes, going for walks and playing soccer. Our little guy loves to be outside. He stands at the door saying "side".."side". So keep the good weather coming so we can play outside again.