We got that surprise email I had been hoping for.
Sorry for the long post.
This last Wednesday we were both at work. I was walking into a meeting, sat down, and starting looking over emails on my blackberry. I opened up an email and it was address to Caleb and me. I then looked at who it was from and the subject line. I jumped out of my chair, ran into the hallway and called Caleb. Here is how the conversation went:
K: did you just get am email from our agency?
C: no, when?
K: right now.
C: nope.
K: I have our referral email, where can you meet me? You know I will not be able to wait. Where has wifi? we can go to Burger King ( I laugh at this one now) or a library. I want to be able to use a laptop so we can pull up everything big and not look at this on one of our phones.
C: what time can you go?
K: right now. How about home?
C: home would be the best. See you there in 30 min.
I walked in the house and Caleb was home. Into the office we both went. I am not sure I have ever felt the way I did at hat moment. We have waited so long for this and now it is happening. We read through all of the paperwork that was sent to us and couldn't be happier. We wanted to have a Dr. look over the medical records just to be safe. (We have never had a kids Dr. so I called my sis-n-law. When she answered I asked if I could get her baby's Dr. name and phone number. She gave it to me then asked why. I said no reason she told me she thinks I am lying. I told her I would cal her back in a bit and hung up on her. Sorry Chelsea.) I ran the paperwork to the Dr. and they couldn't see any concerns with his medical records. I called the agency and told the girl on the phone how much she has made my day. I think I told her I loved her 7 times. We signed our official acceptance letter and mailed it off. We called our parents and I sent a text to all of our siblings letting them know the great news. Now we patiently wait to find out when our official court date is. Keep your fingers crossed it will be soon.
July 7, 2010 has changed our lives forever
and we couldn't be more excited.