Caleb and I had a phone interview with the agency. It went as well as it could have being that it was over the phone. The employee at the agency wanted to try and get to know us by asking us questions and getting a feel for who we are. We received an email from the agency saying that
we have been accepted. So now the process starts. I am going to get a hold of the lady to perform our home study. I need to set up our doctors apt. for our physicals, get police reports showing that we have no criminal background. We also both need letters from our employees and our family/friend
referrals. We are both excited for this new adventure in our life. I am going to try and keep this blog updated so that Caleb and I have a record of dates and events as they happen.
Caleb and I want to start buying things to start preparing for our baby. The hard thing is not knowing for sure how old our baby is or will be at the point we get to welcome this child into our lives. So we
cannot start buying clothes or diapers. We know what the gender will be and we put an age range down on our application of 0-12mos. I am sure there are somethings that we can buy now. I cannot wait for the day when we get the information for our child and can proceed with gathering the items we will need.