Sunday, December 13, 2009

Pictures of the furniture

Caleb and I were able to get the furniture in one load. This made me very happy. We got home yesterday and put it together before Caleb had to head to bed. We both love it. I would have to say it is better than I thought, since we never saw it in person and ordered it through a book. Here are a couple of pictures.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

The furniture....

Caleb's dad called us today to tell us the the furniture that we order for our baby's room has come in. they close at 4:30. Caleb has been at work since 6:00am. We might not be able to pick up the whole order today. We will see. Once I have pictures of it in the room I will post them. I was so excited to hear that it had finally come in. Yippee.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Arts and Crafts for the room

I have been to a couple of really cute baby boutiques and there are cute picture frames. The only thing is they are between $20-$30 each. I know in the back of my mind that I can make some that will match the theme and colors of the room we are putting together. I gave it a shot and here is what the finished product looks like. I am very pleased with the outcome.

Once they are officially in their final spots in the room I will post another picture.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Baby Furniture

I went yesterday with my father-n-law and bought a crib and dresser. It should be delivered by Dec. 4th. I hope that it comes sooner but that is still pretty quick. We found it at Direct Buy. I found the exact same ones online and we are going to save a couple hundred dollars. I have all of these ideas that I want to start doing to our babies room but I also keep putting it off. If I start any of them I will post pics. I hope that working on the room will help with my excitement and the waiting. Once I have the furniture I will post a pic. As time goes by the more excited we get.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

An experience I will never forget

A co-worker and his wife are adopting a little boy from Ethiopia. They are going through the same agency BFAS. This is who introduced the agency to us. Last Monday He asked if I would come up and video record him and his family as they opened up the referral letter from the agency. The referral letter is the first picture of your child. Attached is a copy of all the medical testing/records from Ethiopia. Watching their family open and read about their son was amazing. It made me realize that what we have been working towards will pay off. We are so close to starting our family. Their baby is a month old and so cute. It was very motivating for me. They are a few months ahead of Caleb and I so it helps to see them progressing with the process.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Home Study

Yesterday Caleb and I had our home study interviews. A social worker came to our home and interviewed me then Caleb once he got home from work. She was at our house for two hours. It went really good. Some of the questions she asked really made me think. We both had to describe each of our parents with one word descriptions. We could give her multiple one word answers for each parent. I gave my answers to my parents before Caleb got home. To hear him answer and give very similar answers for his mom and dad made me realize how similar our parents really are. The social worker also asked us to each name some things that made us fall in love with our spouse and what is it that keeps us in love and loving each other. Also being asked why I want to be a mother and asking Caleb why he wants to be a father. I don't think too many people/parents have thought about why they want to be parents prior to having a family. She wanted to know what we were each like as children, what we did as families growing up and what our hobbies are as adults. We have some paperwork things that we still need to provide her before she can complete her review and send it on to the agency.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Paperwork overload

I have heard people talk about all of the paperwork that is needed in order to adopt but I never knew it was this much. I wish that I could snap my fingers and all the paperwork would be done. Really I wish that I could snap my fingers and we would already have our child home with us. If anything I am going to learn how to be patient through all of this.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Caleb and I had a phone interview with the agency. It went as well as it could have being that it was over the phone. The employee at the agency wanted to try and get to know us by asking us questions and getting a feel for who we are. We received an email from the agency saying that we have been accepted. So now the process starts. I am going to get a hold of the lady to perform our home study. I need to set up our doctors apt. for our physicals, get police reports showing that we have no criminal background. We also both need letters from our employees and our family/friend referrals. We are both excited for this new adventure in our life. I am going to try and keep this blog updated so that Caleb and I have a record of dates and events as they happen.

Caleb and I want to start buying things to start preparing for our baby. The hard thing is not knowing for sure how old our baby is or will be at the point we get to welcome this child into our lives. So we cannot start buying clothes or diapers. We know what the gender will be and we put an age range down on our application of 0-12mos. I am sure there are somethings that we can buy now. I cannot wait for the day when we get the information for our child and can proceed with gathering the items we will need.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

This is the start of our adventure

Caleb and I have Decided to start a family. After struggling with getting pregnant on our own we have decided to adopt and plan on using this blog to keep records of our adoption process. I plan on keeping a timeline of everything that we do along with everything else in preperation for a future family.